After the intense workload of Term 2 with endless hours of Markstrat, DMOP massacre, competitive strategy assignment and memories of Aikya, Term 3 brings a fresh breath of air for the finance folks!
By this term, the students are used to the rigmarole of the fast-paced life (blink a few times and the term ends!) and most of them have chosen their food to eat from the buffet called ISB. Usually, the students go home for a couple of days in the Term 2 break so this term starts with a lot of home-cooked meals and sweets!
Term 3 also houses events such as Bandhan, onset of the Experiential Learning Programme (ELP) and resume reviews by alumni (yes, placements are not far!). Case competitions start coming in like an avalanche with multiple domestic & international competitions being announced each day. We’ll cover each of these in our subsequent mails.
This term has 2 finance courses and 1 each of operations and strategy & leadership. Managerial Accounting is one of the few finance/accounting courses which is liked by engineers and non-engineers alike.
Corporate Finance is where the commerce graduates have a field day and suddenly the DMOP ‘champs’ become ardent students in the P2P sessions.
Operations Management provides an interesting insight into the thinking behind activities such as producing your favorite car or getting an Amazon delivery from warehouse to your doorstep. There is a simulation game (obviously graded!) where you run a manufacturing setup and apply concepts learnt during the course.
Management of Organizations will teach you one of the most important skills for life – networking!
Overall, Term 3, the last of the “core” terms, gives you the true “feel” of the rigorous life at ISB. Won’t be wrong to say that this is when the stress is at its peak with academics, case competitions, resume building and extra-curricular activities all wanting a piece of your time!
For your essays: In case you are from a finance / commerce background, mentioning the courses (incl. the one in Term 1) above for P2P sessions would come in handy and demonstrate your research on ISB for your MBA application.
Alum Speaks: ‘I had a gala time during Term 3 academics. Since I am a Management Accountant by qualification and had studied Corporate Finance before, I was one of the more popular guys on campus. It was time to pay back all the DMOP debts!’ Manan Puri, Co-Founder, Strategy4GMAT and ISB Class of 2013
A video to get a glimpse of Everyday at ISB (at its peak during Term 3):
For our previous posts regarding life at ISB, refer to our blogs here: